What Kind of Music Do You Like?

I have often wondered why someone is drawn to a particular kind of music. What has played the largest role in musical development? One’s Culture? Family traditions? Introduction to a type of music as a child? The musical influences from friends?  School music programs? Church upbringing? Private Musical training? etc.

Why does someone seek rap over country, classic rock over soul, classical over hip hop, or Broadway over pop?

I personally love many genres. I am told this is not true with the majority of people.  My musical taste changes on almost a day basis depending upon my mood. I switch between classical (both instrumental and vocal), pop, Broadway, folk rock, jazz, Latin and country almost daily. However, I do not like hip hop, rap (except “Hamilton”) or metal.  

What types of music do you like? Why do you think that you are drawn to these genres? (types of music).  Why do you think you developed an interest or passion for a certain kind of music?  I would love to know your thoughts.


Laurie Beth Frick

By Laurie Beth Frick

Owner LBF Piano & Voice LLC Concert pianist/vocalist University of Michigan Former K-12 Music Supervisor in public education Choral director - theatre director


  1. My favorites include:

    – Classical music; especially classical music that I myself performed (in high school band) or studied (in a music history course that I took in college).
    – “Instrumental rock” (that is, rock music without vocals/lyrics): Helps me maintain a high energy level while at work without being distracting.
    – Instrumental jazz: Good, non-distracting “background music” for working or any time.
    – Game music (music featured in video games, generally with no vocals/lyrics); especially from games I’ve played and enjoyed. Also good background music for working.

    1. Good mix of musical moods. I did not know that you took a music history course at Umich. Glad that you were able to do so.

  2. Thanks Laurie. I also like eclectic forms of music; but I gained an appreciation for classical in my childhood as it was introduced to me through my piano and ballet lessons. In addition my brother is a musician and played folk songs as I was growing up. Lastly, my father loved opera which he sang and listened to. Thus, I guess I would say my appreciation for music was developed in my childhood like so many of our other traits.

    1. Thanks for sharing! So you believe your biggest influence was your childhood experiences through family and lessons.
      I appreciate your response.

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